May flew by. I know, I know I say it every single month - but it really did! Two Bank Holidays meant plenty of weekends to fill with fun and food....a busy few weeks at work, and a real variety of weather later and suddenly it's June. How did that happen? We're already halfway through the year; soon we'll be sipping ice cold drinks and feeling the grass between our toes, and the next minute we'll be purchasing scarves and watching our breath bloom in the frosty air.
Naturally, at the beginning of a new month, I'm keen to look back on the last. It's time to share a few of my favourite things with you, a la Julie Andrews. No raindrops on roses though, sadly.
Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish
My mum has been trying to persuade me to use Liz Earle's legendary Cleanse and Polish for months. No, years. She swears by the brand, which satisfy her need for natural and kind-to-skin products. I've had a few sample sizes and yes, it's amazing. It's also a firm favourite in the blogging world too, popping up in skincare essential posts all over Bloglovin'. So when she accidentally ordered two (I'm still suspicious...) and gave one to me, I was finally sold. Well and truly. It melts makeup and dirt away, leaving your skin so soft, fresh, and clean. Nothing feels better; it's easy to use and it certainly beats my usual makeup-remover face-wipes. It smells clean, comforting and is a sure-fire skin miracle. I've been using this nonstop for a couple of weeksand will probably be converted for the foreseeable future. I think my skin will thank me too! It's already feeling soft and pampered, and I can see a noticeable improvement in its brightness and clarity.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I read Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower a few months ago (back when SWB was still very, very new!) and finally got round to watching my DVD of the film adaptation last weekend. I'm always a little dubious when it comes to books being turned into films, especially when I am so emotionally invested in the characters - but this was an incredibly fantastic surprise. The film was very accurate, gripping, wonderfully directed and moving - which, for me, was the deal breaker. I would not have been impressed if I had finished the film with dry cheeks. A brilliant film (regardless of Emma Watson's questionable accent) and I thoroughly recommend it. I think I'll be watching this again, and again, and again...
Soap & Glory Glam-A-Lot
I had Soap & Glory's Glam-a-Lot in my first year of University. It's sweet but slightly musky and it so versatile - the perfect day-to-night scent. For me, it's a firm favourite because of the memories it evokes; late nights watching films as a flat with tubs of ice cream, getting ready for nights out at the local dive of a club, and getting ready for a day of lectures and seminars. It also reminds me of romance and falling in love, and finding friendship. It reminds me of a time of my life when I started to become myself. But, regardless of whether you're as emotionally attached to it as I am, it's a beautiful scent which is, unfortunately, only available in one of Soap & Glory's box sets. I really do wish it was available to buy separately; the perfect budget scent which smells just as good as any of my higher-value perfumes.
Coldplay Ghost Stories
I'm a fan of Coldplay. My teenage years were filled with my Dad and sister playing their music frequently, and so naturally I loved them too. In recent years, their music conjures up more memories, and seeing them two years ago on their Mylo Xyloto tour at the Emirates Stadium was one of the most incredible and emotional nights of my life so far. 'Paradise' is the soundtrack to my final months as an Undergraduate. I wasn't sure what to make of this new album to begin with (this is my boyfriend's sadly it's a loan!) but after having it on repeat on my iPod all week I can safely say it's grown on me very quickly and I already adore it. Favourite tracks of mine include Magic, Sky Full of Stars, Ink, O and....well....all of them, really! It's a little like marmite - I know a few fans who need further convincing, and a few who won't even touch the album, but I love it and it will no doubt be one of my summer soundtracks.
Nescafe Millionaire's Shortbread Mocha
I featured Nescafe's instant Caramel Lattes in my March Favourites - they're perfect for a quick fix in the office and certainly hit my sweet tooth. When I saw this limited edition I just had to pick it up. I couldn't resist. I mean, millionaire's shortbread is delicious! Chocolate, caramel, coffee...all rolled into one. It's very very tasty - the perfect simple weekday treat - and it makes a great pick-me-up for elevenses. I'll be buying a few more boxes of these to stock up for the next few months.
I featured Nescafe's instant Caramel Lattes in my March Favourites - they're perfect for a quick fix in the office and certainly hit my sweet tooth. When I saw this limited edition I just had to pick it up. I couldn't resist. I mean, millionaire's shortbread is delicious! Chocolate, caramel, coffee...all rolled into one. It's very very tasty - the perfect simple weekday treat - and it makes a great pick-me-up for elevenses. I'll be buying a few more boxes of these to stock up for the next few months.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Ok...I'm a bit late to the party with this one. Alright, alright...very very late! After I watched the first two films at the end of 2013, I just had to get my hands on the books and they are as amazing as I had been told. I couldn't put The Hunger Games down and am already devouring the second in the series, Catching Fire. There's something satisfying about enjoying a book meant for young adults or teen readers - if it can grip the attention and imagination of a 23-year-old, it's a winner. This series is fast becoming a true all-time favourite and I have no doubt that I will have finished the last one within a matter of weeks (if that!).
What have you been loving this month?
Wow that mocha sounds good, might have to have a little hunt for it in Tescos (any excuse to shop!) x